Getting dentures seemed like a good idea at the time. Logically, you know you need them. But emotionally? The closer your fitting appointment gets, the more butterflies find their way into your stomach. You just want to know what to expect.
That’s understandable! Most people feel uneasy with the unknown. Keep reading to get a glimpse at your first month with dentures.
How Will I Wear My New Dentures?
First of all, your dentist is going to recommend you wear your dentures 24/7 for a bit. Yes, even at night! This will help you and your gums adjust to them. After about a week, you’ll be cleared to take them out at night and drop them in their cleaning solution. Just like in cartoons!
Are Aches and Pains Normal for New Dentures?
Imagine having to support a weighty, tight-fitting device on your back that exerts pressure. Yeah, that’s your gums for 30 days. They’re going to be sore. Fortunately, over-the-counter pain relievers can help with the ache.
What Will Talking with Dentures Feel Like for 30 Days?
It might be strange to have to talk with a removable appliance in your mouth. In addition to the sensation of new dentures, you’ll also have to handle excessive saliva. However, these are more symptoms of adjustment! Once your mouth realizes your dentures are there to stay, it’ll settle down with the spit. And the more you talk with your prosthetic, the faster you’ll get used to how it moves and feels.
What About Eating with Dentures?
While you’re figuring out the mechanics of your dentures, you might bite yourself instead of your food from time to time. During the first month, chew carefully. Your dentist will want you to stick to soft foods, which will help prevent you from chomping down on your tongue. Eventually you’ll be able to enjoy trickier treats, but for now, give your gums time to heal and yourself time to adjust.
Will I Clean my New Dentures Any Differently?
Dentures might be false teeth, but they still require maintenance. We talked about dropping them into their nighttime cleaning solution, but you should also brush and floss them. Harmful bacteria can build up on your dentures and get to your gums, so clean them like you would natural teeth!
Touching Base with Your Dentist
Your dentist might want to monitor your progress with your dentures. You should attend follow up appointments as directed so they can make sure your transition is going smoothly.
That said, you should also contact your dentist if your dentures feel excessively uncomfortable. The first 30 days might involve a lot of new sensations, but severe discomfort could indicate a bad fit. Your dentist can investigate what’s bothering you. Even if they determine it’s normal, they can recommend ways to alleviate your discomfort. Basically, your dentist is your coach, so don’t hesitate to give them a call!
About the Practice
As a couple, Drs. Jonathan and Laura Mears use their combined experience to provide their patients the best care possible. Part of quality service is helping patients feel comfortable. If you’re worried about life with dentures or are experiencing dental discomfort, give them a call at 636-464-6668. Drs. Jonathan and Laura Mears will be happy to consult with you! For a full list of services, explore their website.